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Thursday, January 08, 2009

this is what we should be worried about

THE TRUTH(S) NOT BEING TOLD OR EXPOSED. what is not said and what is hidden.

i don't like how rick warren looks (physically that is). period. i know that is not fair. i know it's judgemental. i know it's plain crazy. there is something in that man's eyes i'm seeing that I JUST DON'T LIKE. (oh i get mad when people judge me by MY looks, which happens ALL of the time. so i KNOW what i'm saying and doing is not in line with my normal set of beliefs)

at any rate, i think people like rick warren are DANGEROUS. they have the ears of 'important' people as well as the masses. boiling underneath though, they think everyone is going to hell unless they are 'true believers' (that would elimate wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more people than it would include mind you). they think they're better than you. they think they 'save' or 'help' people by preaching a certain close minded (and absolutely UNHEALTHY) set of curriculum (like ABSTINENCE ONLY and intelligent design and gay=sick)

well i'm here to say people like rick warren are NOT better than people like elie wiesel (who i'm guessing hasn't been saved by jesus), or even someone like me.

Condom Burnings and Anti-Gay Witch Hunts: How Rick Warren Is Undermining AIDs Prevention in Africa
By Max Blumenthal, The Daily Beast
................But since the Warren inauguration controversy erupted, the nature of his work against AIDS in Africa has gone unexamined. Warren has not been particularly forthcoming to those who have attempted to look into it. His Web site contains scant information about the results of his program. However, an investigation into Warren's involvement in Africa reveals a web of alliances with right-wing clergymen who have sidelined science-based approaches to combating AIDS in favor of abstinence-only education. More disturbingly, Warren's allies have rolled back key elements of one of the continent's most successful initiative, the so-called ABC program in Uganda. Stephen Lewis, the United Nations special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, told the New York Times their activism is "resulting in great damage and undoubtedly will cause significant numbers of infections which should never have occurred."...........

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