yo yo yo search it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

thank you

alternet and thinkprogress for bringing this to the nation's attention! it's important because after all, mr o'wrongly is NEVER wrong nor does he EVER lie

Bill O'Reilly Defeated: Surrenders to the 'War on Christmas'
Posted by Satyam Khanna, Think Progress
Bill O'Reilly isn't practicing what he preaches.
For years, Bill O’Reilly has been ranting about an alleged "War on Christmas," claiming liberals are unjustly replacing "Christmas" festivities with "Holiday" festivities. News Hounds notes that O’Reilly isn't practicing what he preaches, as he is showing off a "holiday reading list" on his website:


Anonymous said...

Excellent post, as usual.

Perhaps Mr. O'Reilly will now declare war on himself.

Unknown said...

as well he should! (saves ME some time)