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Monday, September 22, 2008

another bullshite study

not unlike the one that said women are happier if they do more 'house work' (not putting house work down some people like to do that more than others). it sounds to me like someone is trying to 'keep us in our place'
on the other hand..... the explanations livingston and judge cite make a bit of sense to me.

it's NOT bullshite women earn less than men for the same jobs. THAT my dears is sadly true. 'studies' like this are NOT going to assist in correcting that either

Study Ties Wage Disparities To Outlook on Gender Roles

Washington Post Staff Writer

Men with egalitarian attitudes about the role of women in society earn significantly less on average than men who hold more traditional views about women's place in the world, according to a study being reported today.

It is the first time social scientists have produced evidence that large numbers of men might be victims of gender-related income disparities. The study raises the provocative possibility that a substantial part of the widely discussed gap in income between men and women who do the same work is really a gap between men with a traditional outlook and everyone else.

The differences found in the study were substantial. Men with traditional attitudes about gender roles earned $11,930 more a year than men with egalitarian views and $14,404 more than women with traditional attitudes. The comparisons were based on men and women working in the same kinds of jobs with the same levels of education and putting in the same number of hours per week................

...........Livingston and Judge said there are two possible explanations: Traditional-minded men might negotiate much harder for better salaries, especially when compared with traditional-minded women. Alternatively, it could also be that employers discriminate against women and men who do not subscribe to traditional gender roles.

"It could be that traditional men are hypercompetitive salary negotiators -- the Donald Trump prototype, perhaps," Judge said. "It could be on the employer side that, subconsciously, the men who are egalitarian are seen as effete."

Livingston, a doctoral candidate in management, added: "People make others uncomfortable when they disconfirm stereotypes -- we don't know how to interpret them.".......

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