Researchers for the National Science Foundation have found that boys and girls now perform equally in standardized math tests. What do you think? .........

Michelle Banks,Horticulturist"All I know is, every time I try to solve a complex math problem, my breasts get in the way."
You know . . . (because I always have a personal story about things, don't I? I bet that's annoying. hmmm)
. . . when I was teaching math I used a very mean and manipulative tool to get my students interested in the material - I'd say, "It looks like you might not have the capacity to understand these concepts. Don't feel bad, not everyone has the right kind of mind."
That's mean and unfair, I agree - but no one's ever accused me of being nice - and it was college so if they got mad they could just drop the class or transfer. However, every time I used that approach on a female student it pissed them off and they worked three times as hard, got the concepts and turned their grade around in the class. Some of the guys on the other hand would just be pushed over the edge and quit.
The part that really gave me pleasure was at the end of the semester when these students would come in and tell me how wrong I was, how they could understand the material and how they did it despite me, and how bad of a teacher I was for not seeing their real potential. I never admitted the technique I used but instead congratulated them and admitted that I had been very wrong and I apologized.
i had a teacher like that in high school. i knew it was an act though. he WAS much disliked but man, you sure got through his class KNOWING the subject matter. i know he did it on purpose
I don't think I would have done it in a high school setting . . . there's too much unpredictability in high school and the students 'feel' much more at the mercy of their teachers than they do in college. It's a lot closer to abuse of authority in high school.
no it wasn't abuse. he didn't do exactly what you did. he pretended to be something he wasn't (or i pray he wasn't), so you'd be so angry at him, you'd do good just to spite him. and it DID work
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