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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

shocking, repulsive, racist

and a whole bunch of other things. as one commenter (on the original article in feministing said, don't one or both of these stoneless, spineless, id-jits want to do everything in their power to help PREVENT native americans from procreating? the answer is YES if you didn't know that. i'm sure they'd LOVE them ALL -ANY person of color-to be forcibly sterilized). they get to take it out of their pants and put it wherever THEY want - then beg for forgiveness but they judge others? NOT on MY watch

Vitter symbolically restricts native women's abortion access
This morning the Senate passed the Vitter Amendment -- yup, that David Vitter -- banning the use of federal Indian Health Service (IHS) funds for abortions. Except that the Hyde Amendment -- another piece of "pro-family" legislation named for a noted philanderer -- already restricts the rights of low-income women by denying Medicaid and IHS coverage for abortion.
So what's Vitter doing? He claims his amendment closes a loophole in the Hyde Amendment that may be exploited by a pro-choice president. But really, this is
bullshit. All his amendment does reiterate our existing federal policy, and muck things up for a future Democratic congress or president that may repeal the Hyde Amendment. Explains Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards:
“Sen. Vitter’s amendment is simply a political tactic that will do nothing to improve health care for Native Americans, nor reduce the number of unintended pregnancies,” said PPFA President Cecile Richards. “If Sen. Vitter is serious about preventing unintended pregnancies, he would support prevention legislation that invests in family planning programs. Unfortunately, Sen. Vitter’s amendment puts politics over the health and welfare of Native Americans.”....

from libertad latina

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) reports currently that of American Indian (Indigenous) women who experience rape in the U.S., 82% of the victims had been assaulted by white men. (These are not men who identify with liberal ideas.)

DOJ also reports that Native American women face a rate of rape in the U.S. that is 3.5 times higher than the average rate of rape faced by other U.S. women. .......

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