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Saturday, January 19, 2008

i don't know if he is THE biggest ass out there

but he's right near the top. self-centered, self-absorbed steamin' pile o' shite that is bill o'wrongly

Video: O'Reilly's 'No homeless vets' claim disproved
David Edwards and Katie Baker
On January 4th, 2008, Fox Pundit Bill O' Reilly denied the existence of any homeless veterans in the United States. In an effort to prove O'Reilly wrong, Brave New Films visited Homeless Vets – a non-profit organization dedicated to helping homeless and at-risk veterans – so that they could speak with some homeless veterans themselves.
"I talked to over a dozen homeless vets, some who had served as far back as the Korean War,"
writes the video’s co-producer Jonathan Kim on Foxattacks.com. "These veterans are homeless, they exist, and no matter what [O’Reilly] says, there are way too many of them."
Brave New Films showed the men at Homeless Vets a clip of O'Reilly mocking presidential candidate John Edwards for discussing the topic of homeless veterans in a speech.
"This guy has no clue!" O'Reilly said in response to Edwards. "I mean, come on. The only thing sleeping under a bridge is that guy’s brain. 10 million illegal alien workers are sending billions of dollars back home and Edwards is running around saying nobody has any money.".......


Anonymous said...

I listen to Ed Shultz often and I heard this whole story play out . . . O'Liely ended up looking like an incompetent ass . . . proving that sometimes the truth shines through.

Unknown said...

(almost) the entire world knows he's an ass EXCEPT for himself. he struts and yells and thinks (like a lot of other people) he's a god among mere mortals