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Saturday, November 03, 2007

WE are the savages, the brutes, the thugs, THE TORTURERS

A Brief on the Use of Water Torture by American Officials in the War on Terrorism
by William John Cox
The use of water to simulate drowning has been used as a torture device since at least the Middle Ages. It was known as the tortura del agua during the Spanish Inquisition and was used by agents of the Dutch East India Company during the Amboyna massacre in 1623.
Water torture has been acknowledged by the United States to be illegal since at least 1901 when an Army officer was convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for using it to torture a Philippine rebel.
In 1947, a Japanese officer was prosecuted by the United States for strapping a U.S. civilian to a tilted stretcher and pouring water over his face until he agreed to talk. The officer was convicted of a Violation of the Laws and Customs of War and was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.
In 1957, French forces in Algeria tortured Henri Alleg, a journalist, by strapping him to a plank and wrapping his head in a cloth placed under a running water tap. Alleg later talked about his torture in The Question: "The rag was soaked rapidly. Water flowed everywhere: in my mouth, in my nose, all over my face. But for a while I could still breathe in some small gulps of air. I tried, by contracting my throat, to take in as little water as possible and to resist suffocation by keeping air in my lungs for as long as I could. But I couldn’t hold on for more than a few moments. I had the impression of drowning, and a terrible agony, that of death itself, took possession of me. In spite of myself, all the muscles of my body struggled uselessly to save me from suffocation. In spite of myself, the fingers of both my hands shook uncontrollably."...........


Anonymous said...

Is it still torture if it's just being used against brown people . .

against white capitalists, I can sure see that it's torture,

but brown people . . . they don't count.

Unknown said...

neither do HOMOs or god-less creatures

Commander Zaius said...

You both are right but by the American people letting this fester and grow through their apathy we are just setting ourselves up for it happening to us.

Unknown said...

bb, it HAS happened to us and when it does, we sure as shite cry foul. wtf?????????


Commander Zaius said...

You are right, it is happening but I was talking about on a more Soviet or Nazi scale like the round up of lawyers and other not friendly to the Pakistan government.

Unknown said...

i really never want to read a paper or watch the news again. every day horror after horror after horror