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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

tell congress to support our troops

(the message i sent: I (respectfully) demand our men and women who have been sent to fight the unjust, immoral and illegal war in Iraq, be sent home. The suicide rates are enormous, the care of returning vets is atrocious. Families here AND there are suffering. Women's rights (in Iraq) appear to be worse than ever. How can we bring our 'democracy' to Iraq when we, here, are losing OUR rights? No more support for war profiteers and mercenaries. MORE support for our troops. The support that BRINGS THEM BACK HOME.
oh and P.S. Impeach NOW)


Commander Zaius said...

If we continue on this course of "imperial glory" under the guise of making the world safe for democracy it is almost a guarantee that a draft will be brought back in a few years. Given the spineless democrats we are blessed with it may even be them bringing it up. But that may be just the ticket to get Mr. and Mrs. Middleclass out of their apathetic daze when their precious child will be forced to go fight for whatever heir is leading the fight in Bush and cheney's money making war.

Unknown said...

you know bb, IF we were being attacked, i'd be one of the first to defend my country. i would have done it for 9/11 and i'll do it now. patriotism has never been an issue with us here. look at all of those that DID enlist after 9/11. however, we NEVER did make those who were ACTUALLY responsible pay and we never will (well if king george has anything to say about it).