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Friday, September 14, 2007


who needs the TRUTH when you want to shred our constitution and take away the rights of all (well NOT quite all) americans???

Spy Master Admits Error
Intel czar Mike McConnell told Congress a new law helped bring down a terror plot. The facts say otherwise.

(don't ya just LOVE the headline? they're calling it an 'ERROR' instead of what it REALLY is, a bold faced LIE)

By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball
Sept. 12, 2007 - In a new embarrassment for the Bush administration's top spymaster, Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell is withdrawing an assertion he made to Congress this week that a recently passed electronic-surveillance law helped U.S. authorities foil a major terror plot in Germany.
The temporary measure, signed into law by President Bush on Aug. 5, gave the U.S. intelligence community broad new powers to eavesdrop on telephone and e-mail communications overseas without seeking warrants from the surveillance court. The law expires in six months and is expected to be the subject of intense debate in the months ahead. On Monday, McConnell—questioned by Sen. Joe Lieberman—claimed the law, intended to remedy what the White House said was an intelligence gap, had helped to “facilitate” the arrest of three suspects believed to be planning massive car bombings against American targets in Germany. Other U.S. intelligence-community officials questioned the accuracy of McConnell's testimony and urged his office to correct it..........


Commander Zaius said...

I hope the Democrats have found some spines someplace and will fight to have this "law" die the death it deserves at the end of its six month life. But I'm not holding my breath.

Unknown said...

no bb, they (most but NOT all) are SPINELESS pieces of steamin' shite