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Friday, August 10, 2007


yet another day with a religion and the military posting. it's out there, i'm just sharing it
i'm also sharing this bit of personal information. i would NEVER choose to believe in a god such as the one carver believes in. a god of war a god of wrath a god of vengence a god of prejudice.
nope, not for me

New Army Head of Chaplains Thinks He's "Chosen By God", Predicts Apocalyptic Religious War

Posted by Bruce Wilson

.......................Recounted November 9, 2006 in the Sierra Vista, Arizona Sierra Vista Herald, Chaplain Carver spoke at a November 2006 Fort Huachuca Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast before a crowd of over 400 and, as Sierra Vista Heraldreporter Bill Hess described:
"As a minister, Carver, an ordained Southern Baptist preacher, talked about the main problems facing America in Iraq.
There is a biblical aura when it comes to the Iraqi situation, something written about in the Book of Daniel, the chaplain said.
It was to what is now Iraq that the Israelites were taken.
Babylon, a place that exists today in Iraq, was mentioned in the Bible, and its leader, Nebuchadnezzar, ruled with an iron fist. Carver said it is strange Saddam Hussein believes he is the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar.".................

.............Addressing the luncheoning Southern Baptists, Douglas Carver said: "Times are dangerous and difficult. But God has raised you up for a time such as this", and went to wield the rhetoric of absolutist apocalyptic religious war :
"I believe that this long war we're in - against violent religious extremism - is a war contending for the future of humanity as you and I know it. We're living in challenging and distressing times.
But as chaplains, this is my time and your time, your destiny. Like Daniel, you've been raised up to speak light into the darkness. Like Moses, you and I have been made shepherds to walk people from the darkness into the light of Christ Jesus. Like Caleb, we have been given a mountain and a vision to claim for the glory of God. Like Gideon, we have been given an army to lead.".
Ding Ding Ding ! ! Brigadier General Carver's rhetorical sledgehammer rang the bell to win the "apocalyptic religious warfare rhetoric" competition. Was his kewpie doll the career promotion to be Army Head Of Chaplains ? Or was that a gift from God ? .................


Commander Zaius said...

You know after I was starting to feel comfortable again hanging around a few of the serious Bible Thumpers, as opposed to what can be called main stream Christians, I know because even they were starting to understand that Bushy had really screwed things up and felt that the country needed serious changes. With this fellow in such a high level position in the Army his end time rhetoric will surely get covered by the media then heard by those he says we will be fighting forcing more to pick a side. Adding more fuel to a fire everyone desperately needs to be trying to put out. In other words a self-fulfilling prophecy

Unknown said...

you hit the nail square on the head bb!