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Saturday, December 16, 2006

yesterday i wrote james dobson was misquoting and taking out of context

things dr carol gilligan has said and/or written. turns out she's NOT the only one he's selectively quoting OR misquoting. NOW he's misrepresenting dr kyle pruett (of yale university in my HOME STATE)

i for one am wondering why the hell time magazine gave him a column to begin with. the man isn't focused on families he's focused on negativity, hate, prejudice, fear. his heart isn't full of love and understanding (one with think a 'man of god' would possess). it's full of EVIL

focus on the family = focus on fallacies

Scientists fume after Focus on the Family chief Dobson 'misrepresents' work on gays

Filed by RAW STORY
Both scientists cited by conservative pundit James Dobson in a recent Time magazine column are publicly rejecting his use of their research--and are demanding that he cease to use their findings, RAW STORY has learned.
New York University educational psychologist Carol Gilligan, PhD, earlier this week blasted Focus on the Family leader, James C. Dobson, for "twisting" and "distorting" her research in a column published in Time Magazine.
In it, the self-described social conservative wrote:
According to educational psychologist Carol Gilligan, mothers tend to stress sympathy, grace and care to their children, while fathers accent justice, fairness and duty. Moms give a child a sense of hopefulness; dads provide a sense of right and wrong and its consequences. Other researchers have determined that boys are not born with an understanding of "maleness." They have to learn it, ideally from their fathers.
But Gilligan claimed that Dobson distorted her findings, and says that she disagrees with his theory that same-sex couples are unsuitable parents. In a pointed letter to Dobson and released to the press, Gilligan demanded that he apologize and "cease and desist" from quoting her work in the future.
"I was mortified," Gilligan wrote, "to learn that you had distorted my work this week in a guest column you wrote in Time Magazine."
"My work in no way suggests same-gender families are harmful to children or can't raise these children to be as healthy and well adjusted as those brought up in traditional households," Gilligan asserts...........

...............Dr. Kyle Pruett of the Yale school of medicine was equally shocked to discover Dobson's use of his work in the column.
"You cherry-picked a phrase to shore up highly (in my view) discriminatory purposes," he wrote in a similar letter to Dobson. "This practice is condemned in real science, common though it may be in pseudo-science circles. There is nothing in my longitudinal research or any of my writings to support such conclusions."
In fact, Pruett's work suggests the opposite of Dobson's assertions. "On page 134 of the book you cite in your piece," he points out, "I wrote, 'What we do know is that there is no reason for concern about the development or psychological competence of children living with gay fathers. It is love that binds relationships, not sex.'"...............


Anonymous said...

Lo and behold, our Lord, Jesus, came up onto the Mount and spoke to the assembled crowd. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. And the Lord did elaborate. Give unto him your young men and women that they may murder and pillage and be murdered in return, for thus sayeth the Lord is the work of holiness.

But be warned, Jesus commanded, that if any of ye have love in your heart ye shall be condemned to hell, for if you love your fellow man that's a sign that your phallus is unholy and that unholiness condemns you. Love is the root of all evil and I, your Lord, would rather see you exploiting people, owning slaves, and running rampant through all the resources of the earth, than to see you exhibit love and show that love proudly to your families, to your neighbors, and to your fellow brethren in Christ.

- Reverend Dobson Loosely Quoting Christ

Unknown said...

rick, you've crystalized the 'most reverened' dobson's feelings EXACTLY!!!

i'm not quite sure the right 'reverened' dobson has christ's thoughts so very crystalized though