i wrote about this before.
it's something i'm actually familiar with. the wiccan part, not the military part
Military Widows Sue Over Wiccan Symbol
MADISON, Wis. -- The widows of two combat veterans and a Wiccan church in Barneveld, Wis., are suing the government because it won't recognize their beliefs.
The widows said Wiccan symbols were not allowed on their husbands' military headstones.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs allows military families to choose any of 38 authorized headstone images, including symbols for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism.
The Wiccan pentacle is not on the list and the widows said that is unconstitutional...........
I agree
hi graeme! hope you're doing well
just found your blog .. keep up the good work..this issue needs to be promoted whereever it can be..Blessings. Lynne
thanks for stopping by lynne. believe me i know the prejudices people have against those that follow this path
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