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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

at about 10:30 this morning

i was walking down to the kiosk at work where they have some microwaves. i was going to heat up my soup. in the walkway, they have a GIANT flat screen tv. on it was king george with some sort of demographic figures. 44% are IN FAVOR of him (i didn't stick around to see any details). i had to dig my nails into my palms and bite my tongue (LITERALLY). i was astonished. WHO THE F**k ARE THESE 44%? what the f**k kind of acid are they on? i want to know


pissed off patricia said...

Wonder what percentage of the American people are insane? Got a feeling it might be close to that number.

Unknown said...

p o p

there is NO WAY i can believe 44% of us believe king george is doing a GOOD job. not just making do but a GOOD job

i have a friend who is a 'catholic worker' (that is what he calls himself. he lives in a house owned by the church, he gets a meager allowance each week and he protests in dc and gets arrested a LOT). anyway, i ran into brian today and he told me (and i have a wicked hard time believing this, but i guess it must be true) in polls CATHOLICS more than any OTHER religious group, including evangelicals have NO PROBLEM with the united states' torture policy. i'm not a catholic but i was raised one. WTF???????????????

Donnie McDaniel said...

Want to know the really scary part? That 44% is allowed to breed and raise more like themselves. Now how scary is that?

Unknown said...

donnie, the answer to your question is