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Saturday, November 19, 2005

wanna see an idiot on video?

why is it a DECORATED marine who VOLUNTEERED to go to viet nam (unlike EVERYONE in the bushwhacked white house) is called a coward? the good news is the asswipe representative in the house had her idiotic remarks STRICKEN FROM THE RECORD. when these idiots pick up arms and have their children pick up arms and actually GO to iraq and start fighing in this unjust war (they insist IS just), then i just may change my tune. i am no coward and i am NOT unamerican. THIS WAR MUST END NOW

Schmidt was later forced to return to the House floor and have her remarks stricken from the record. Despite having said the purpose of her “coward” statement was to “send Congressman Murtha a message,” Schmidt claimed:
Mr. Speaker, my remarks were not directed to any member of the House and I did not intend to suggest they applied to any member, most especially the distinguished gentleman from Pennsylvania.......................

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