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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

how sick (the pun IS intended)

is this? (answer=very)
Hospital Attempts Deportation of Woman With Inadequate Insurance
Posted by Cara , Feministe

An immigrant woman from Honduras who has very recently awakened from a coma is being threatened with what can effectively be called deportation, because she does not have the insurance needed to cover her medical bills. (Don’t read the comments in these articles unless you want to lose your lunch.) But here is the real kicker: while it would be repulsive and incredibly inhumane to deport an uninsured/under-insured person with a serious medical condition because of their undocumented status, despite the lack of adequate facilities for their care in their nations of citizenship, it isn’t even the case here. Sonia del Cid Iscoa has a current visa and in the U.S. legally. (All emphasis in quoted text is mine.)

A gravely ill woman at risk of being removed from the country for lack of adequate insurance coverage awoke from a coma Tuesday.

The hospital has been seeking to return her to her native Honduras; her family took the hospital to court.

[. . .]

Iscoa, 34, has a valid visa and has lived in the United States for more than 17 years. She has no family in Honduras.

But St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center sought to have her sent to Honduras when she went into a coma April 20 after giving birth to a daughter about 8 weeks premature.......


Anonymous said...

Apparently this hospital "sends" eight patients a month (on average) back to their "home" countries.

The hospital, despite the CHRISTIAN in the name, is a business and businesses are there to make a profit. Taking care of people is expensive and if they look like they'll have trouble paying, they need to be sent away. That's what Jesus would have done.

Unknown said...

what would jesus do to citizens of the usa if they couldn't pay? smite them? turn them into a pillar of salt?

treat their illness and show them kindness, compassion, understanding and if needed, forgiveness?


Anonymous said...

Not a chance. He would've blamed them for being poor and told them that their illness was God's punishment for their sins. "Deserving ignorant lazy losers," that's what Jesus would've said.

Unknown said...

are you sure you're talking about jesus and not rush limbaugh?

Anonymous said...

I don't know . . . they have such a large crossover among worshippers. It's hard to keep these right-wing deities straight.

Let's see, one is a bloviated, drug-addicted gasbag and the other is a fictional dude who supposedly traveled to India as a young man and brought back a lot of Hindu beliefs on compassion and love and taught them to oppressed Jews who subsequently killed him for being a troublemaker.

Unknown said...

hmmmmmmm hadn't heard about the traveling to india part

i actually don't believe jesus was fictional. i think most of those dudes (they were mostly ALL dudes of course) did exist and did have followings. remember, reverend moon has a following now. people are afraid of the unknow. they're willing to believe. yes, just believe

i do think some WERE indeed prophets (or let's just say rather more enlightened than others). not gods though.