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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

why is his head SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING BIG? and........

i didn't know chuck was gay

i'm sooooooooooooo sorry gay peeps. my attempt at being funny. i didn't mean to insult you (really, i didn't)

from wonkette:

Chuck Norris Commits Plagiarism In His Column All the Time

Yesterday, we were writing a joke about Chuck Norris copy-and-pasting other people’s “information” into his column when we realized, yes, this is probably exactly what he did. We checked, and, what do you know, he did plagiarize parts of that op-ed. Is it surprising the man who’s responsible for stuff like this isn’t exactly intellectually honest? No. But it is rather surprising he got this by Creators Syndicate, which, despite the man being known for kicking rather than rousing political commentary, manages to place his column in actual newspapers and also crappy conservative websites like WoldNetDaily, Townhall, NewsBusters, the American Family Association, and Human Events. And it’s even more surprising considering Chuck Norris plagiarizes in his column hilariously often, according to today’s WONKETTE INVESTIGATION.  ............

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