yo yo yo search it!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i know who's not winning father of the year

and this really is NOT funny. how fucked up does one have to be to give a seven year old a gang tattoo? i really do hope they throw the key away

dad arrested for giving son gang tattoo
It used to be that parents would have to warn their kids about going to school and becoming part of a gang. Now, it looks like the schools will have to warn their kids about their parents getting them into gangs.

A Califorina man was arrested on charges of suspicion of child abuse, mayhem, battery with gang enhancements, false imprisonment, participating in criminal street gang activity and committing a crime for the benefit of a gang, after the found him, his girlfriend and the man's 7-year-old son at a motel. The man, Enrique Gonzalez, 26, and a friend allegedly held the boy down and put a paw print (Awww!) tatoo on his right hip as part of some weird gang thing. The boy's mother (who Gonzalez is not currently married to) was not happy with that and called cops.

Investigators saw Ramirez leaving the room and asked her whether Gonzalez was inside. She confirmed he was there. Following a brief escape attempt through a rear window of the room, Gonzalez surrendered........

dumbass daily

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