yo yo yo search it!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

holy shite

why would parents allow their kids to listen to this steamin' load? she claims kids know nothing about sex - SHE doesn't know anything about sex OR kids. you can tell she's a bot because of that look she has. the fake smile. the blank eyes. YOU know what i'm talking about

Meet Pam Stenzel, she's lying to your kids
There's no doubt that abstinence-only educators do harm. But some do more harm than others. Unlike the Leslee Unruhs of the world - who wear their crazy on their sleeve - abstinence "educator" Pam Stenzel is an engaging, convincing, fun speaker. A speaker who tells kids that birth control could kill them and that abortion makes girls anorexic, depressed and suicidal. And she does it with aplomb.........


Commander Zaius said...

Someone find the the blown fuse for reality and replace it. All sorts of crazy out there that almost makes me to believe we live in some sort of cartoon.

Unknown said...

sometimeis we really DO live in a cartoon