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Thursday, May 24, 2007

a disturbing (very) finding

the 'spoils' of war

now this isn't some 'liberal' study. the study was by the d o j. it's VERY frightening. now that they know this, will anything be done?

why male vets are committing sexual assault

A recent study by the Department of Justice found that military veterans are twice as likely to be incarcerated for sexual assault than non-veterans. When asked about the finding, Margaret E. Noonan, one of the authors of the study, told the Associated Press, “We couldn’t come to any definite conclusion as to why.” The intrinsic and systemic connection between militarism and violence against women, however, makes this finding far from surprising.
Since the beginning of the patriarchal age, women have been considered the spoils of war, invisibilized under the euphemistic phrase, ‘collateral damage’. The result is that many types of violence against women are exacerbated by militarism, including the indirect effects on civilian populations and post-conflict situations. These include:
Rape/sexual assault and harassment both within the military and perpetrated on civilian populations.
Domestic violence.
Prostitution, pornography and trafficking.
Examples are not hard to find—the U.S. and Japanese use of comfort women during WWII, the Tailhook scandal, the sexual abuse problems at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, the murders of military wives at Ft. Bragg, NC and Ft. Campbell, KY to name a few. This latest statistic is clearly no accident, it a systemic part of a military culture that not only tolerates but frequently encourages the hatred and belittling of women..........

Veterans less likely to end up in prison, but those who do are more likely to be sex offenders

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