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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

thank you

to the peeps of my state, thank you!!! i have a bat in my house. i think i got her/him out, but i don't know for sure. i've not seen her/him in four days so i'm guessing it's gone. last night i ripped my big toe open (badly). thankfully when i went to the doctor's in early july he decided (out of the blue) to give me a tetanus shot. but of course, i don't care about ANY of this. i only care about ned lamont won!!! my heart is singing (even if my body isn't). thank you to the most wonderful people in the great state of connecticut. Lamont Wins Connecticut Primary, Defeats Lieberman POSTED: 11:02 pm EDT August 8, 2006 UPDATED: 11:21 pm EDT August 8, 2006 HARTFORD, Conn. -- Lamont has defeated incumbent U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman. Lieberman appeared before a crowd of supporters at 11 p.m. and congraduated Lamont on his victory "This was a much closer race that all the pundits predicted," he said to a cheering crowd...............

oh and thanks to my pops too. even though he's a democrat, he's wicked conservative. he voted for ned too. the war MUST stop. the lies MUST stop. the constitution of the united states of america must be mended and adhered to!


Anonymous said...

Well done Connecticut!
I must add a "well done" to my favourite exotic pagan. :-) Do hope your toe is feeling better.


Yukkione said...

The lamont win is great, but I hope your toe gets better. Cant have you hobbleing about like a weeble.

vanx said...

May I break ranks?
You know what I think of the war. I also have some thoughts about the Republicans. And about the Democrats. The problem with Connecticut yesterday is in the headlines--they all tell you who lost. Democrats are supposed to win elections, aren't they? The winner should matter. Now, for the Democrats, it's about punishing their own and playing into the hands of Rove. Who is Ned Lamont?

Lieberman's stand on the war is repugnant. But the idea is the end the war-without-end, not end Leiberman's career--remember, Hillary, Kerry and others voted to go into Iraq. And while Lieberman has been steadily supportive of the war (Clinton, by the way, has become "slick" on the issue to coin a phrase), he has also criticized Bush's performance and has been heavily critical of Rumsfeld. Across the board, he is not a supporter of this administration. Lamont won't stop the war and Lieberman ain't keeping it going. The idea is to get the Republicans back in their place. If it comes down to our extremists against theirs, we lose always. We need to support centrists and we need to get the center in solid opposition to the war, which should be a snap, even if people like Lieberman hold out.


Unknown said...

thanks amy!

l o c, always remember this; weebles wooble BUT they don't fall down

vanx, ya know i love ya BUT i must disagree. da liebs his own day um self is NOT a card carrying TEAM member of the democratic party. if he WAS, he would have gracefully AND honorably backed down. he has done some good things for the state, BUT for now there is only one issue on my mind and he will not back down on that. i will
NOT forgive clinton either for coming to the aid of da liebs. after what da liebs said about him, if it were me, i'd have kicked his ass and certainly NOT endorsed him FOR ANYTHING

glenda, you're welcome

and amy, l o c, vanx and glenda, my toe IS gashed, but i'm fine. it was my own stupid fault (too much stuff laying about to trip over).