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Saturday, January 14, 2006

purple hearts, we don't need no purple hearts!

in a washington post article today it appears 'they' are trying to 'swift boat' jack murtha now. they are calling into question his two purple hearts. they have rounded up a (what appears to be a VERY disgruntled) democrat to say murtha told him he didn't deserve the medals (hey this MAY be possible, sometimes people ARE modest. he could very well have said in a PRIVATE conversation, naw, i didn't deserve them, all i got was a scratch and you, well you got severely wounded.....). it doesn't matter. what matters is murtha, a VETERAN (unlike MOST of the bushwhacked admin) is speaking out against the unjust war based on lies AND good old white boy network money. read the article to see what 'they' are trying to do now

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