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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

'cause white folks never have out of wedlock babies

Defending Bennett's comments, Rev. Peterson cited alleged violence at Superdome to claim that most blacks "lack moral character"
September 30 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson argued that the controversy surrounding remarks made by nationally syndicated radio host Bill Bennett, the former secretary of education under President Reagan, linking crime rates to abortions by blacks was simply "an attempt by the liberals to prevent white, conservative Republicans from speaking the truth about black America." Peterson, who is the founder and president of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), then suggested that "the root cause of crime is a lack of moral character." He explained that "crime and out-of-wedlock birth, black folks having babies without being married, and stuff like that is out of control." According to Peterson, "Not all ... but most of them lack moral character. Look what they did to the [Louisiana Super]dome. In three days, they turned the Dome into a ghetto."
As the New Orleans Times-Picayune, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times have noted, the reports of widespread violence at the Superdome in the days following Hurricane Katrina -- which apparently served as the basis for Peterson's accusation that evacuees had "turned the Dome into a ghetto" -- have been called into question.
From the September 30 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes:
PETERSON: You know, [co-host] Alan [Colmes], first I want to say I know Bill Bennett. He is not a racist, he is a good man. As a matter of fact, we use his book, The Book of Virtues, with our BOND After School Character Building Program. This attempt is by -- this is an attempt by the liberals to prevent white, conservative Republicans from speaking the truth about black America.
COLMES: Wait a second, you say "liberals, but The White House has said today --
PETERSON: Whether it's on race issues or moral issues, this is an attempt to shut down white, Republican conservatives..................

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